Star Corsair

What is Star Corsair?
Star Corsair is a massively multiplayer trading/political/combat game for the PC, which merges the space setting and trading/combat system of the “Elite” series into a massively multiplayer environment, encouraging diplomacy, politics and freedom of play.

Key Features
 Top-down space view.
 Massively multiplayer.
 Ships like in Elite:Frontier - you can buy different sized ships, and outfit it with weapons, cargo space, propulsion, shields etc. – all costing money, of course.
 Players are free to choose at any time – exploration, trade, piracy, mercenary etc.
 Political model where different groups control different parts of the galaxies, and colonies can be fought over etc.
 Empires war, and players actions and their affiliations have effects on empire diplomacy.
 World-exploration system where players can trade map information - where exploration is a commodity
 Economic model where supply and demand control prices – border worlds will need supply goods, and will grow and expand depending on supply.
 New systems are added as the old ones are explored.
 Players can start new colonies and expand their political empire, colonies can be attacked and taken over.
 Mission system where npc’s and pc’s offer rewards (monetary, reputation etc) for doing things like package delivery, passenger transport, deliver secret documents etc.
 Merchant npcs, pirate npcs, military npcs
 Translucent Heads Up Display on-screen which shows ship status, co-ordinates, targeting system which shows info on the in-range selected planet/ship/starbase (like Xwing/Tiefighter) etc.

Multiplayer Action RPG – Space/SciFi Setting

PC – Windows 9X, 2000. DirectX

7694 visitors to this site since 11 May, 2000

This page is intended as an overview of the game concept. Note that this site is not being updated.

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